Georgievich Doguzov Kazbek

Son Of George V. Doguzov.
Georgy Doguzov was born in China, in Harbin, November 8, 1923.
The artist's father Vasily Doguzov worked in the framework of Russian aid to China, among the workers who built the Chinese Eastern railway. George was the sixth child in the family. In 1933, after the seizure of this region of China by Japan, his father decided to move with his family to the homeland in the USSR, in the city of Tskhinvali (Staliniri, the capital of South Ossetia).
The family returned during the Stalinist repression, father, and older brother of the artist was declared a spy and arrested, their life ended in the camps.
Drawing Georgy became interested in childhood, at the age of 10 years, George Doguzov began to attend classes at the Art Studio under the guidance of renowned worker of arts of Maharbek tuganova.
During the great Patriotic war he was drafted into the army to defend the Homeland from the German invaders. Consisting of the 6th Guards red banner rifle brigade and the 306th Guards rifle division on the North Caucasus front, Doguzov Georgy Vasilievich participated in the defense of the Caucasus, and was awarded the order of Glory 3rd degree
After returning from the front, the artist entered the painting Department of the Tbilisi Academy of arts, graduating in 1953. Back in Tskhinvali, he began working at the Art school teacher, and later Director.
Since 1963, three times elected Chairman of the South Ossetian branch of the Union of Artists. After a heart disease the artist's heart stopped beating.

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