Vitalievna Lomanova

Biografía e información

A watercolourist, member of the Creative Union of professional artists.

Born in 1962 in Kherson. In 1990 he graduated from the training Center decorators "Remarketing" on a speciality "Artist-designer in advertising." For a long time worked as an art historian in the Art Fund of the USSR. Graduated from the School of watercolors Andriaka. (Teacher Kargin Alice Igorevna).
Irina Romanova writes in the technique of multilayer watercolor. Lives and works in the suburbs.
Participated in the spring exhibition of school of Sergey Andriaka, held in the Manezh in Moscow from April 10 to may 9, 2011.
Participant of IV International exhibition-competition of contemporary art in the nomination "Classical painting. Still lifes in the classical style.", held from 4 to 11 July 2012 in the framework of the St. Petersburg art Week (Saint-Petersburg, Nevsky prospect, 60 ).
Participated in the exhibition of Art-Rostov 2014, held from 22 to 28 April 2014 in Rostov-on-don.

In September 2012 it was held the personal exhibition of the artist at the art site of "Station" in Kostroma.
From 21 February to 9 March 2014 in Vladimir in the centre of the promotion of the fine arts held the second personal exhibition of Irina Romanovoj dedicated to International women's day on 8 March.
From 28 March to 20 April 2014 in the Municipal art gallery of Kostroma city hosted an exhibition of works by Irina Romanovoj, which represented 37 of her works - landscapes and still lifes. This is already the 3rd solo exhibition of the artist.

Twenty works of I. V. zaikonnikova Romanovoj decorated the Center for Mother and Child in Kostroma (street Sverdlova, 12).
At the end of April 2013 Irina Romanova took an active part in the campaign "Artists of Moscow to the children of the Kostroma", and gave four of his watercolors from the series "Life toys" may day children's home, and three of these four works were written by the artist specially for the orphanage.
In November 2013, Rybinsk publishing house "Mediamost" released the book "traditions of the Yaroslavl Region. House and way of life. Family customs" with a circulation of 7000 copies, where they were reproduced Irina's work "still life with a bagel". The book is richly illustrated with reproductions of such famous Russian and Soviet artists as V. Tropinin, V. Stozharov, A. Plastov, B. Kustodiev, F. Sychkov, K. Makovsky, A. Venetsianov, N. Bogdanov-Belsky, A. Korzukhin and others.

In February 2014, the German publisher of Richard Fuert Verlag published the book "Sprechende Aquarelle" (watercolor speaking), where are collected the works of the best contemporary artists working in watercolor. The book is published in German with a circulation of 2,500 copies. Presentation of this book on the international Art Messe in Karlsruhe in March 2014, individual copies were donated to the Ministries of culture of the German lands, Austria and Switzerland, as well as a number of famous art galleries of these countries. In this book, reproduced 4 Irina Romanovoj: "Willow on the Oka river" (2012), watercolor paper, 31х44 cm; "Winter morning" (2012), watercolor paper, 44х56,5 cm; "Merry company" (2013), watercolor paper, 40х48 cm and "still life with a Bublik" (2010) watercolor on paper, 42х50 see

Work Irina Romanovoj are the Foundation of the Regional Center for the promotion of the fine arts Department for culture of Vladimir region, Vladimir, Kostroma State historical-architectural and art Museum-reserve, Kostroma city as well as in private collections in Russia and in the Czech Republic.