Юрьевич Екимов

nació en 1971

Biografía e información

Vladimir Ekimov in 1971 in Smolensk. In 1986 he graduated from the Smolensk art school. In 1991 he graduated from the Yaroslavl
art school on a speciality: the artist-teacher, designer.
Since 2005 member,International arts Fund (Moscow Association of artists) since 2006. a member of the Professional sh In 2008. Awarded a gold medal,a National treasure,, from M. B. F.,Patrons of the Century, Winner of international contest of young artists, participant of the 2nd all-Russia art. competition From ancient Rus ' to new Russia,2007.Awarded diplomas and certificates for active creative activity.Since 1992 lives and works in Yaroslavl.
Still-lives of Vladimir Ekimov was recognized and presented to collectors in the United States since 1992. His paintings were exhibited in prestigious magazines such as "Art&Antiques". Since 1992 many of his works have been acquired by collectors around the world. Vladimir Ekimov has a bright talent, very precisely feels the chosen topic. Sochetaniye, two cultures, Dutch and Russian, makes his works unique and inimitable.
Vladimir Ekimov cooperates with galleries. Russia and abroad.Spent 11персональных and participates in international, regional and regional exhibitions . Works are in corporate
and private collections in Russia, USA, Germany, Canada , Holland and others.
  • Artworks in 1 collection and 1 selection
  • Estilos
    El realismo
  • Técnicas
    El aceite
  • Formas del arte
  • Tópicos
    , ,
  • Estudios