Chimera of the global peace

Natalya Garber • Arte digital, 2024
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Arte digital
Fecha de creación: 2024
Propietario: Natalia Garber
Obra en las selecciones: 1 selection

Descripción de la obra «Chimera of the global peace»

"The 'artist' identity is a brand that allows us to access everything, everyone, everywhere. The artist freely reflects on any world, maintaining the authority of art. Therefore, we as visionaries must lead the world from our hearts, working from the depths of our consciousness on what truly matters to the world." Roy Escott, President of the Planetary College, University of Plymouth (UK)

"The Chimerical Mind" was the theme of the 20th conference of the "Consciousness Reframed" series, dedicated to the global debate on science, technology and art under the auspices of British digital art guru Roy Escott, winner of the Ars Electronica Golden Nica Award in the category "Visionary Pioneers of Media Art", presented at the Tate Gallery in London and the Museum of Modern Art in Paris. For the past 20 years, Roy has directed the DeTao Academy Techno-Ethical Arts Studio at the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, leading an annual dialogue with the global community of mindfulness artists.

The XX anniversary conference was held on July 5-7, 2024 and I presented a transformational science art report at it on the positive chimera of global peace. I created its image using artificial intelligence, leading humanity from anthropocentrism, which is killing the Planet, through biospherecentrism to a holistic noosphere of sustainable development. Chimera has two meanings: an unrealistic idea and a next-level vision. According to Spiral Dynamics, we are moving from egalitarian, multicultural ecological thinking to a positive chimera of a holistic vision of the Universe as a system of nested hierarchies and heterarchies, in which each new wave of evolution transcends and includes the previous ones, like fractals as clouds, neural networks or galaxies. In the artist speech and AI collage made for the conference, I showed my integral vision of the global peace and the path to it - with fearlessness and inspiration corresponding to the current moment of the world's history.

Good luck to us, creative homo sapiences!

The conference announcement can be viewed here