
Russia • Moscow and Moscow Oblast • nació en 1986 • pintor
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For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for drawing. When I was a kid, I used all the tools at my disposal - pens, pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens. I remember when I was 5, my mom often complained that I was drawing too fast, so she just did not have time to buy them, and then I searched in my older sister's closet for books, where the fields were wider and gave out creativity on their pages? Most of the time all I had to do to start drawing was to open my eyes after a night's sleep, and the stories were immediately born in my head. As time went by, I grew up, school started, drawing started to take less of a place in my life. I touched pencils less and less often, though I must say I never gave them up. Unfortunately, my parents did not have the opportunity (or the desire?) to send me to art school. So I tried to understand and learn something on my own. I tried to paint portraits in charcoal and pastel, and always loved faces. And something a little bit like the truth loomed, but of course, the lack of an art education made itself felt. And so in 2016 I came across an announcement of a master class in pastel and realized that I really, really need to get there. So in 2016, at the School of Veronica Kalacheva at the master class of Elena Tatkina my path began. Pastel, of course, fascinated me. At first I took a course "Pastel for beginners", then there was "Pastel Pro" , plein airs in Amsterdam, Tenerife and a number of other master classes, and a lot of independent work. Also at some point I was fascinated by oil painting. While pastel is good for its velvety feel and tactile qualities, oil fascinates me with its plasticity and ability to create an incredible range of tones. Today I absolutely understand, that the way of the artist is the way I want to go in life. I am grateful to my teachers and to myself for taking up drawing seriously at a certain age, even if not at a young age. Thank you for your attention!
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