The State Russian Museum holds an exhibition in the halls of the Stroganov Palace
"Vladimir Vasilkovsky. On the 100th anniversary of his birth".
Visitors will be shown one of the facets of the master's work - his graphics and ceramics. Vasilkovsky - the artist turns to everyday life, recreates historical scenes, works with classical mythological images and creates new myths of almost grotesque sociality. Most of Vasilkovsky's graphics are associated with literary images. He speaks on Pushkin, Khayyam, Boccaccio, Gogol, and Bulgakov. Architecture in Vasilkovsky's drawings is often both the object and the subject of his narrative. He likes to fragment real or fictional architectural monuments, they, in turn, either participate in the development of the plot, or generally play an independent narrative role.
Vladimir Vasilkovsky has left a tangible mark in artistic culture: he not only raised a pleiad of students who became great masters, but also set certain parameters of the culture of form, which remain relevant to the present day.
Prepared according to the materials of the official website
State Russian Museum.