Electrification. 100 Years of the GOELRO Plan

Exposición 10 de agosto − 24 de octubre 2021
The Moscow Museum is preparing an exhibition "Electrification. 100 Years of the GOELRO Plan".

The exhibition will feature works by Alexander Labas, Alexander Deineka, El Lissitzky, Gustav Klutsis, Alexander Rodchenko, Sergei Luchishkin, Kliment Redko, Solomon Nikritin, Joseph Chaikov, Nathan Altman, Robert Falk, Olga Rozanova, the Vesnin brothers, Andrei Burov, Yakov Chernikhov, Ivan Zholtovsky and Alexander Gegello.

The anniversary was an occasion for the museum curators to talk about how the electrification of the country influenced the Soviet avant-garde: visual art, cinema, architecture, music, theater, literature, and design. Electricity in the 1920s was becoming a character in stories, plays, children's tales, posters and films, and also appeared in graphics, painting and sculpture. His image was embodied in the form of an incandescent light bulb, the power lines going into the distance, the powerful turbines of power plants, and was identified with the figure of Lenin himself. It was at this time that the myth of the leader, bringing new energy, new light and a new world, was formed. Each of the artistic associations of the avant-garde era found its own source of inspiration in the theme of GOELRO.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Museum of Moscow.