Big art by the "Little Dutchmen" exhibition

Exposición 8 de septiembre − 10 de octubre 2021
From September 7 to October 10 at the Primorsky State Picture Gallery the exhibition "The Great Art of 'Little Dutch'" from the collection.
The exhibition introduces viewers to fine examples of 17th century Dutch painting, representing almost all genres: portrait, battle and genre composition, landscape. The art of this period is notable for its vivid realism, the desire of artists to convey the unique flavor of life of their people, who created the world's first bourgeois state.
A comparatively small collection of the "Little Dutch" in the collection of the Primorsky State Picture Gallery allows to make quite complete and reliable impression of peculiarities and originality of the Dutch art of the XVII-XVIII centuries.
No age restrictions.
The exhibition will run until October 10.
We are waiting for you in the Main Enfilade of Primorsky State Art Gallery at 12 Aleutskaya St.
It is possible to visit the exhibition by the ticket for the permanent exposition "Russian Art. From icon to avant-garde": 250 rubles. - adults, 150 rubles. - Pensioners, students, 100 rubles. - schoolchildren;
for a single ticket to the exhibitions in the Main Enfilades, including, in addition to the permanent exhibition and the exhibition "Little Dutch", the new exhibition "Under the Skies of Venice. Veduta of the XVIII century from the Inteza Sanpaolo collection": 500 rubles for adults, 300 rubles for adults. - adults, 300 rubles. - senior citizens, students, 250 rubles. - schoolchildren, students.
For information: 8 (423) 241-06-10.
Please note that entry to the grounds of the gallery is allowed with personal protective equipment (a medical mask). A full list of rules for visiting the Primorsky State Art Gallery during the quarantine removal period can be found on the official website.