Kwan Yong Chan. Associations

Exposición 27 de enero − 13 de marzo 2022
The Moscow Museum of Modern Art in cooperation with ASKERI GALLERY presents an exhibition of internationally renowned South Korean artist Kwang Yong Chan "Unions.".

The exhibition includes key works of the artist created between 1990 and 2021. Arranged in chronological order on two floors of the large-scale exhibition space, the works will present the history of the formation and development of creativity of the master, who was able to combine European and Asian culture.

Initially, his style was influenced by American modernism of the mid-twentieth century, which Kwang-Yong Chang studied closely during his studies in Philadelphia. However, he later decided to abandon the American artistic tradition, return to South Korea and create his own style, a unique synthesis of Western and Asian values. The tragic history of his native country, his childhood memories, Confucianism and Western pragmatism gave birth to the Aggregations series, which has become Kwang-Yong Chan's trademark. The original art objects in the form of wall panels are created from hanji, a traditional Korean paper that is made by hand from the bark of the silkwood tree. As a basis for his compositions, Kwan Yong Chan uses old accounting reports, love letters and fragments of philosophical treatises, which he folds in a special way into small triangles, where the text is both an ornament and a carrier of information. Thus, in the artist's hands, the hanji sheets are given a second life and his works are filled with new meanings.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Moscow Museum of Modern Art.