Exhibition of one icon "John the Baptist - Angel of the Desert

Exposición 5 − 31 de julio 2022
For the Nativity of the Baptist of the Lord John the Baptist (July 7) the Primorsky State Picture Gallery presents the icon "John the Baptist - Angel of the Desert" from the gallery's reserves within the framework of the cycle of temporary exhibitions "Sacred Faces". The icon was painted in an Old Believer workshop at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century and belongs to the Nevyansk school.
According to the Bible, John the Baptist (6-2 B.C. - c. 30 A.D.) was a great prophet, ascetic, and preacher. He preached repentance and baptism to the Jewish people, baptized many people in the water of the Jordan River and the Son of God himself, Jesus Christ. That is why he is also called John the Baptist. In an icon from the collection of the Seaside Picture Gallery, the saint is represented with wings behind his back, based on a quotation from the Old Testament prophet Malachi: "Behold, I send My angel, and he will prepare the way before Me, and suddenly the Lord whom you seek will come into His temple, and the angel of the covenant whom you desire; behold, He is coming, says the Lord of hosts" (Malachi 3:1).
From July 5 to July 31, the icon is presented in the Hall of Old Russian Art of the Main Enfilade as part of the permanent exhibition "Russian Art. From Icons to the Avant-garde" at 12 Aleutskaya St
Ticket price: 400 rubles. - adults, 300 rubles. - Pensioners, students, schoolchildren.
To purchase tickets online, including the Pushkin Card, go to: primgallery.t…2022-03-22
Information by phone: +7 423 241-06-10.