Exhibition of Vadim Byniaev's works "Army Weekdays

Exposición 14 − 31 de marzo 2023
Dear friends, Dream Art Gallery invites you on March 17 at 17:00 to the opening of a unique patriotic exhibition "Army Weekdays".

You will see and hear the confession of a young artist, Vadim Byniaev, who could not abandon his love of painting, even during his service in the Caucasus and experienced many military adventures, saving his work and sketches.

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About the artist:

Vadim Byniaev

Russia, Moscow

artist-teacher, graduate of the Tula College of Arts named after A.S. Dargomyzhsky, winner of numerous art competitions.


Renova Lab
the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center
ul. Sikorskogo, 11,
room VI, room № 3
Galleries at the exhibition