The Living Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci: The Mystery of the Mona Lisa

Exposición 25 de septiembre − 3 de diciembre 2023
On September 25, the Sverdlovsk Film Studio in Yekaterinburg will launch the multimedia premiere "Leonardo da Vinci's Paintings Come to Life: The Mystery of Mona Lisa", prepared by the creative studio R-Art from Rostov-on-Don. The guests of the exhibition will be able to watch the author's movie about the Renaissance legend, get acquainted with Leonardo's inventions, and understand who Mona Lisa really was. The project will be open daily until December 3.
Painter, engineer, mechanic, carpenter, musician, mathematician, astronomer, inventor, archaeologist, meteorologist, astronomer, architect. All of these are Leonardo da Vinci. He foreshadowed many discoveries for centuries to come. Surrounded by legends even in his lifetime, the great Leonardo is a symbol of the boundless aspirations of the human mind.
The project about him was created on the basis of digitized paintings from different museums of the world, "animated" by 3D-animators of the creative studio "R-Art". The main component of the project is a multimedia movie about the life and work of the Italian genius. It will be projected simultaneously on 12 large-format screens arranged in a circle. Thanks to this, visitors will be able to delve deeper into the work of the genius. An author's script was written for the movie together with art historians.
- In our movie theater the audience will see the Mona Lisa so close for the first time and will be able to examine the smallest details of the painting. The script of the movie will tell not only about the process of writing this masterpiece, but will also introduce the personality of Dzhokonda. We will try together with the viewer to unravel the mystery of this painting, why it has been stirring the minds and hearts of millions of people through the centuries," said Ekaterina Klochkova, Director of the creative studio "R-Art".
The exhibition will also feature an interactive exposition consisting of info booths with detailed information about Leonardo's life and achievements. In addition, visitors will find touch panels with educational and entertaining tests, 3D holograms and colorful photo zones.
In addition, the project will include a flash mob "Drawing Mona Lisa" - a mass art master class for everyone. The event, which will be conducted by teachers of the fine arts studio "Striped Cat", will be held on September 30 in the Library named after V.G. Belinsky. V.G. Belinsky Library.
Recall that the creative studio R-Art from Rostov-on-Don has been working in Russia since 2018. During this time, the team has created 11 multimedia exhibitions dedicated to great Russian and foreign artists.

Date: September 25 - December 3
Venue: Yekaterinburg, Lenin Avenue, 50 Zh, Sverdlovsk Film Studio
More information about the exhibition at

+7 (863) 268-77-47, 8 909 425 98 71