Feast of the Protection of the Virgin Mary

Exposición 13 de octubre − 10 de diciembre 2023
At the exhibition, visitors will be able to see and hear works of Russian church art dedicated to the Protection of the Mother of God. The icons of the feast variously depict the miraculous vision when the Mother of God, accompanied by John the Baptist, John the Theologian and many saints, appeared in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople, took off her muphorium and stretched it over the heads of those present. Two icons from the collection of the Andrei Rublev Museum demonstrate different iconographic variants of the images of the Intercession of the Mother of God. One of them depicts a rare for the XVIII century scene of an apparition of the Mother of God in a dream to Roman the Savior, which endows him with a special gift of creating inspired chants.

The Old Believers' chant manuscripts "Tresvonov" with the service to the Protection of the Mother of God, presented at the exhibition, date from the last third of the 18th and the middle of the 19th century. The Old Believers carefully preserved znamenny chants, recorded in these manuscripts using hook notation, date back to ancient times. The traditional Pomor and Guslitsa bookplates are colorfully decorated, creating a special festive mood by multicolored folk ornaments based on old printed samples.

The verses of the Intercession deciphered by the researchers were sung by a male choir conducted by Daniil Sayapin especially for this project.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalog, which will include articles on the icons of the feast and the history of the service of the Protection of the Mother of God in chant manuscripts.

The curator of the exhibition is L.V.Kondrashkova, senior researcher of the research department of the Andrei Rublev Museum, candidate of art history, musicologist.