Exposición 18 de abril − 31 de mayo 2024
The energy of the new age is the energy of movement.
That said, the speed at which things are changing in today's world is staggering and can knock you off your feet. Surprisingly, sport is the activity that allows us to slow down. No matter how dynamic it is, it brings one back to the here and now, to the point of maximum concentration in the moment, to the point of the birth of pure energy - the energy of movement leading to a goal.

Comprehension of the paradox of dualism of time living in sports is one of the main objectives of the exhibition. The heroes of the paintings are depicted in the sharp phases of movement, they seem to be frozen in time on the artists' canvases. At those moments when seconds are running on the scoreboard, which for fans stretch like eternity, the athlete's internal clock is always 00:00. He cannot allow himself to reflect on past mistakes or worry about future results, he must make the best decision here and now.

This wonderful, barely perceptible moment of "now" is a portal to the infinite inner world of man and, of course, art is also a guide to this world. Studying the work of artists, a person detaches himself from external reality and listens more to feelings and sensations, realizes his thoughts, slows down and establishes honest contact with himself, which is often lost in the endless hustle and bustle of life.

Today Luzhniki is a sports and entertainment cluster of active lifestyle. In 2024, two more landmark facilities were opened on its territory - the Tennis Palace and the reconstructed Druzhba Universal Sports Hall, which will become centers of attraction for professional and amateur athletes.

april 18 - May 31, 2024
Admission is free.
Daria Motovilova. Moment
All artworks at the exhibition

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