The LEVER GALLERY is a commercial art gallery devoted to post-war lifestyle illustration. In the aftermath of World War 2 increased affluence, social mobility, the advent of mass media and free state education - incluyendo a proliferation of art schools - generated de a perfect storm of opportunity for a brilliantly talented crop of commercial artists to thrive.
British culture, en particular, fue propulsado por into the modern era by a group of young visual revolutionaries who transformed the face of music, arte, moda, cine, televisión, publicidad, prensa and magazines, to define the look of a generation. Artists represented by the gallery include the masters of the form in the 60s - Michael Johnson, Renato Fratini, Walter Wyles - as well as leading next generation illustrators - Mick Brownfield and Paul Slater.
The gallery has a passion for the work it represents. Unlike in the US where the work of illustrators of this era is acclaimed by a loyal and sophisticated siguientes, and where icónico works now command significant sums, lifestyle illustration is something of a forgotten art form in the UK. Indeed much of the original work is lost or has disappeared and surviving work is in urgent need of protegiendo. Many of the illustrators and art directors de la propia organización are well into their 70s and 80s and the LEVER GALLERY is on a mission to ensure they receive the recognition they deserve.
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