SI - artist

Russia • Moscow and Moscow Oblast • nació en 1970 • pintor
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I am Liuba Si a professional artist of contemporary art and a member of the International Union of Artists. I exhibit at art sites in Russia and abroad. I create paintings in the author's technique, thanks to which charismatic, unusual characters, stories, colorful abstractions are born, which become the heart of a stylish interior and collections. Many of the works are already the center of attraction of houses in Moscow, London, Heraklion, Ljubljana, New York.
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25.04.2020, 100×70 см
"Пресвятая Дева Муррия покровительница домашних животных"
"Пресвятая Дева Муррия покровительница домашних животных"
27.02.2020, 140×70 см
2020, 100×70 см
2020, 100×70 см
02.12.2019, 126×72 см
11.07.2019, 100×70 см
14.06.2019, 100×70 см
12.04.2019, 110×108 см
11.04.2019, 109×105 см
05.03.2019, 132×89 см
05.03.2019, 104×103 см
05.03.2019, 93×123 см
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LIUBA SI - artist
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