Art of the XX century. George Costaki Collection

Exhibition September 16 − December 31, 2019
The State Tretyakov Gallery in the premises of the New Tretyakov Gallery presents an exposition “Art of the twentieth century. George Costaki Collection ».

Visitors will be able to see over 50 paintings and graphic works of the Russian avant-garde from the collection of the famous collector and donor George Dionisovich Kostaki.

Thanks to Kostaki’s donation, one can see such masterpieces of world significance as “Portrait of Matyushin” by K. Malevich, "Symphony of Shostakovich" P.N. Filonova, “Red Square” V.V. Kandinsky, “Picturesque architectonics. Black, red, gray ”L.S. Popova, “The Running Landscape” I.V. The clove. In general, the Tretyakov Gallery has a donated avant-garde collection, numbering 142 paintings and 692 graphics, in which over forty names of Russian artists are presented.

Based on the official website The State Tretyakov Gallery.
Photo report Cultobzor.