Around the corner

Raksana Kim • Peinture, 2023, 38×27 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
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Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Paysage urbain
Courant artistique: L'impressionnisme
Technique: Aquarelle
Ressources: Papier, Aquarelle
Date de création: 2023
Taille: 38×27 cm
Région: Sochi
Propriétaire: Raksana Kim

Descriptif de la toile «Around the corner»

The painting participated in exhibitions:
1. "Pleinair Winter 2023", February 2023, Moscow, KC Rublevo
2. "Architecture of Sochi," June 2023, Sochi, House of the Architect.

This view you can meet in the very center of Sochi on Rose Street, among the new high-rise buildings are still preserved islands of old buildings, in summer they are filled with unpretentious tourists, and in winter there is silence.
The work is not formalized.
