Amazing creatures

Beata_ani • Peinture, 07.08.2024, 40×30 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Fantasy, Animalier
Courant artistique: Animalisme
Technique: Acrylique
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 07.08.2024
Taille: 40×30 cm
Région: Kazan
Vendeur: Beata_ani
Artwork in collection: The opening game Beata_ani
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Descriptif de la toile «Amazing creatures»

Jellyfish are amazing creatures that amaze us with their beauty and mystery. They remind us of the fragility and vulnerability of life, and that each person is unique and unrepeatable.
Some people are also like jellyfish - seemingly weak and defenseless, but possessing amazing strength and resilience. They are able to adapt to different conditions and overcome difficulties while maintaining their inner harmony and balance.

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