L'apparition du Christ au peuple. 1837-1857 détail

Alexandre Andreevitch Ivanov • Peinture, 1857, 540×750 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Courant artistique: Le réalisme, Romantisme
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 1857
Taille: 540×750 cm
Artwork in collection: Alexander A. Ivanov leonid legeev
Œuvre dans les sélections: 2 selections

Descriptif de la toile «L'apparition du Christ au peuple. 1837-1857 détail»

"The Appearance of Christ to the People. The artist worked on the picture for 20 years in Italy. During the creation of the canvas he made more than 500 sketches and studies. All connoisseurs of painting in Russia knew that Ivanov was working on a monumental canvas. In May 1858 the painter decided to send the picture to St. Petersburg. According to legend, during the journey the ship encountered a strong storm. The artist rolled the canvas into a tube and raised it above his head - he preferred not to see the demise of his creation, but to drown himself if the ship goes under water.

However, the painting still arrived in St. Petersburg, where it was exhibited in one of the halls of the Academy of Arts. The audience received the painting coldly: they had complaints both about the too small figure of Christ and about the water, which was depicted not in the academic manner, but in free brushstrokes. Curiously enough Ivanov was ahead of his time in this respect, because later impressionists would work in a similar manner. In addition, the canvas was unfinished. In the left part you can see an old man in a white loincloth, which is reflected in the water with a red spot. In the sketches the armband was indeed red, and the artist apparently simply forgot to repaint it. A month after the presentation of the work Ivanov died, and a few hours after his death the emperor Alexander II bought the picture for 15 000 rubles. In spite of the fact that the sum was considerable, the artist, who had devoted half his life to this work, initially expected a much larger fee, but unfortunately did not manage to get even that money.