Vasilevich Gine

Russia • 1830−1880

For a long time (up to 1865) A. guinet was volnoprihodyaschim student of the Academy of arts. Under the leadership of S. M. Vorobiev he got for years of training small and large silver medals (1857, 1858, 1859) and a minor gold medal (1860). In 1865 A. V. gine receives the title of class artist of the first degree and leaving the walls of the Academy. By this time he is known in artistic circles, the landscape painter, since regularly participated in academic exhibitions since 1858. The titles of his paintings indicate geographical and specific preferences of the painter. The painting "the Storm on the island of Valaam", "Rain", "Night" stand out in the artist. For them A. V. Gina received the title of academician.

He came from a noble family. Primary education received in the First gymnasium of Kazan, which he attended together with Ivan Shishkin. In 1854-1856 he studied at MUZhViZ in A. N. Cavalry mokritskiy. In 1856 he moved to St. Petersburg as volnoprihodyaschego student engaged in the class of landscape painting at the Imperial Academy of arts under S. M. Vorobyov. In 1857 and 1858 he was awarded small silver medals, in 1859 — a large silver medal. In 1857, together with Shishkin, by P. Cohenim and E. G. Oznobishina worked in the village of Dubki, near Sestroretsk.


In 1858-1861 was annually made a trip to Valaam.


In 1860, for the painting "View of Valaam" marked by a small gold medal. In the same year, received from IAH cash consideration "for his work on the experiences of lithography", which was engaged together with Shishkin. In 1862, together with Jogini and V. V. Vereshchagin created the illustrations for the book by A. V. Vysheslavtsev "Sketches by pen and pencil of circumnavigation".


In 1863 he was sent by the Imperial Academy of arts "for writing types from nature" in Kharkiv and Tauride province. In 1864 again went to Kharkov province, visited the Church of the monastery. Visited the Crimea. In 1865, released from the Academy with the title of class artist 1-th degree. In the same year for the painting "Summer day" won the prize of the organizing Committee of the Society for the encouragement of artists. Up to 1879 he participated in the exhibitions of the Society. In 1868 illustrated book I. Pasha "Journey to Turkestan".


In 1878, for the painting "the Storm on the island of Valaam" (1878), "the Rain. The view from the vicinity of Gatchina," and "Night. Spring flood of Volga" was awarded the title of academician of landscape painting. In the same year Gina was exhibited at the world exhibition in Paris.


Gina is the representative of the galaxy of painters of the second half of the nineteenth century who is credited with the creation of the Russian landscape school. His contribution to the development of this genre, of course, is not as great as many of his contemporaries, Shishkin, A. K. Savrasov and F. A. Vasiliev. The artist's works are distinguished by a high level of skill, they found a bright reflection of the artistic trends of the 1860s — 1880s, making his paintings the most interesting monuments of their time. The Gina approach to the creation of a landscape based on a careful study of the nature, has much in common with the principles of Shishkin.


The artist's works are in many Museum and private collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin and others.

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