Ivanovich Zoshchenko

Russia • 1857−1907

Biographie et informations

1857-1-9 - 1907-12-27

Student of the Academy of arts from 1877 Received two 2 silver medals. In 1884 the title of class artist painting. In 1895 determined the younger artist, mosaic artist.


From 1877 to 1884 he studied at the Academy of arts, receiving for his success the title of class artist. Its creative aspirations were close to the Association of traveling art exhibitions, the exhibits which demonstrated their work: "Volost court" (1888), "a thief" (1889), "waiting for employment" (1890), "Divination", "fence", "peasant hut" (1890), "In the silence" (1908).

Wrote M. I. Zoshchenko watercolors, she worked in the St. Petersburg journals. In 1895 the artist went to a mosaic workshop of the Academy of arts, where with his participation and under his leadership, the paintings of N.. Shabunin and A. N. Popov made the mosaic: "the Departure from the village Konchanskoe Suvorov (Suvorov in the Italian campaign of 1799)" (1904), "Suvorov crossing the Alps in 1799" (1904). In 1905 M. I. Zoshchenko returned to painting. He painted portraits and household composition. Unfortunately, very short: he dies at the age of 51, leaving the family in poverty: a widow and eight children, including twelve-year-old Misha, busega writer. In 1908 in the halls of the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg held a posthumous exhibition of works by M. I. Zoshchenko.

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