Alexandrovich Berggolz

Russia • 1865−1920

Biographie et informations

He studied in Naples at F. Peluso in Paris at the A. P. Bogolyubov in düsseldorf at E. Ducker, then in 1888-1889. at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg. He was a member and Chairman of the Society of Russian watercolors. Participant of exhibitions in the arts, travelling art exhibitions, Society of Russian watercolors, St.-Peterburgskogo society of artists. Works of the artist are in the Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum, the Academy of arts ' Museum, in many regional Museum collections.

In 1880 in Russia, was founded the Circle of Russian watercolorists, which in 1887 was transformed into the Society of Russian watercolors, which set as its main objective "to contribute to the success and development of watercolor painting in Russia." Active member of the Society and at one time its Chairman was Richard Alexandrovich Bergholz who have received a solid education in Naples at F. Peluso in Paris at the A. P. Bogolyubov in düsseldorf at E. Ducker and finished it at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg (1888-1889). The artist was attracted by the work in watercolors, which he used to create amazing picturesque landscapes: "fishing village Pathof", "Early morning", "Landscape with mill", "Sunrise", "Sailing boats", "in the Spring. Evening at the Lido", "Before the storm", "April evening," "spring Awakening", "the Kingdom of swans." Most of his works of R. A. Bergholz exhibited at the exhibitions of the Society of Russian watercolors, which, by the way, could only be "artists living in Russia and worthy of saying about his work."

In 1905, the artist was awarded the title of academician that given the high public profile and activities for the benefit of the arts has allowed R. A. to become Bergholz in 1912 a member of the Academy of arts. Note that the R. A. was born in Bergholz Petersburg, died in Petrograd, having gone through slightly closed by order of the Council of people's Commissars the Academy of fine arts (1918) and ceased its activities loved by him the Society of Russian watercolors (1917).

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    Aquarelle, Le beurre
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    Paysage, Marine
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