Markovic Brother

Russia • 1892−1942

Biographie et informations

(1892, Chisinau, Moldova – 1942, Minsk)

He studied in the Kishinev art school (1910), the National school of fine arts, France (1912-1914). Taught Vitebsk artistic-practical Institute (1922--1923). The Bessarabian member of the Association of lovers of fine arts, Chisinau (1903-1916), Jewish Association of lovers of fine arts, Petrograd (1915-1919), the Belarusian Union of artists (1927-1932), the Revolutionary organization of artists of Belarus (1929-1932), the Belarusian Union of artists (1940). A participant in exhibitions from 1913. Honored artist of Belarus (1940). He lived in Minsk since 1923. Perished in the Minsk ghetto.

Born in Chisinau, where in 1910 he graduated from art school. In the years 1912-1916 trained in Paris, lived in the famous "Hive" (La Ruche), where he became friends with Marc Chagall, in 1912-1914 he studied at the Paris National school of fine arts.

On his return to Russia he settled in Petrograd (1916-1918), participated in the exhibition Association "World of art" in 1916. Since 1918 he lived in Vitebsk, where he played a prominent role in the artistic life of the city, he taught in the newly opened Higher school of art, organizes exhibitions, debates on topics of contemporary art, a complete set of the Vitebsk Museum of modern art, created sketches for party city.

The author of the monument to the Swiss teacher, I. G. Pestalozzi in Vitebsk (1920, destroyed during the bombing). C 1922 he taught at the Vitebsk artistic-practical Institute, he has designed productions of the Jewish theater in Vitebsk. Since 1923 he lived in Minsk, was included in the all-Belarusian Association of artists and Revolutionary organization of artists of Belarus, wrote articles on topics of fine art in the local press.

Major solo exhibition Brazeal opened in June 1941, a few days before the beginning of the great Patriotic war. All the artist's works in this exhibition were destroyed by the Germans after the capture of the city, and the artist himself with his family in March 1942, shot in the Minsk ghetto.[1]

The surviving work of a Brother (portrait of Y. M. Peng, 1921; bust of S. M. Mikhoels, 1926, and others) are stored in the National art Museum of Belarus in Minsk. 2 Jul 1999 in Belarus have released a set of four stamps dedicated to the Vitebsk school of art; one of them shows a portrait of the founder of the school of Yudel pen work Abram Brazer.

  • Techniques
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  • Associations artistiques
  • Études