Ivanovich Colman

Russia • 1788−1846

Biographie et informations

A native of Augsburg, who worked in Russia. Having received his primary art education at the Munich Academy of arts. 17 years old was entrusted to his uncle, the famous engraver of Klauber, was in charge then of the engraving class in St. Petersburg. Academy of fine arts. Not feeling the calling to specialty uncle, he began learning watercolor and study Russian folk types and life. However, he gave lessons of painting in private homes and for a long time consisted of teaching this subject in the corps of pages and cadet corps forest. In 1836, written on a given topic type of watercolor in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of arts was elevated to the title of academician. He worked as a painter, issued by the architect A. Montferrand descriptions of productions of the Alexander column and St. Isaac's Cathedral construction. Watercolors by this artist, depicting mainly the St. Petersburg street scenes, Russian rural life and vernacular types, at one time differed among St. Petersburg art lovers in numerous and hitherto almost each of our collectors of drawings. They executed very smartly, sometimes in the taste of A. Orel, and, despite certain mannerisms of your drawing and traditional colors, show that their author possessed a considerable gift of observation. A.. {Brockhaus}