Borisovich Koretsky

Russia • 1909−1998

The poster. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored artist of the RSFSR (1964), laureate of the State prize of the USSR.

Schedule. He graduated from hood. College in Moscow (1930). From 1929 he worked in the field of picture poster. Master photomosaics poster that combines full-scale photos of the pattern ("Our forces are numberless", 1941; "red Army Warrior, save us!", 1942; "death to the murderers!", 1942; "good Job!", 1944; "Motherland will not forget the heroic deeds of its sons", 1947, etc.). The Winner Of The St. St. (1946, 1949).

1909 was Born in Kiev.

1921-1929 Studies at Moscow professional school of fine arts.

1920s-1930s paints a portrait gallery of dramatic actors, circus performers and singers.

1931 Beginning of an ongoing work in the area of the poster; develops photomosaics in the form of a poster; create posters on topical issues. Collaborating in publishing "ogiz-IZOGIZ", "Art".1939-1987 Member of the editorial Board of the publishing house "Reklamfilm".

1941 - 1945 the master of the political poster. The author of more than 40 works.

1940s - 1980s work in the field of political poster and easel graphics.

1946 First prize at the competition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution, for the poster "the Motherland will not forget the heroic deeds of its sons!"

1946, 1949, State prize of the USSR.

1948 Awarded eight diplomas of the 1st degree at the International exhibition of posters in Vienna.

1956 Work in creative-production Association "Agitplakat".

1957 First prize of the VI world festival of youth and students in Moscow for the poster "the Sixth world festival - meeting of cultures".

1964 Honored artist of the RSFSR.

1974 Awarded the gold medal "Fighter for peace" of the Soviet peace Committee.

The 1990s Engaged in painting.

1998, Died in Moscow.

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