Fedorovich Laktionov

Russia • né en 1935

Biographie et informations

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

In 1935, in the family of the ataman of the don, the last path of the hero of Sholokhov's "and quiet flows the don", was born the younger son, Vasily, who as a child experienced all the hardships of life and exile together with his family in the Soviet years. His father was a full knight of St. George hid his Merited crosses and tired of the deprivation and the mundane, made the important decision to leave with don, became a clergyman – area (Abbot) of the temple of St. Basil the Great in the city of Kambarka. Young Basil soon realized his calling, receiving a slap from mother, being on the white smear of furnace coal – derived drawings- pencils then does not get there in the Russian provinces.

At the age of 16 Vasily ran away from home, he entered the Saratov art College at painting Department, then transferred to Rostov-on-don Art school. M. B. Grekova, from which he graduated in 1960 with honors. He studied under I. A. and E. G. Charsky, V. F. Ablanovo and G. P. Mikhailov. In the same year the young artist went to conquer the capital, enrolling in Moscow University of printing arts graphic faculty, where he studied with professors A. D. Goncharov, A. A. Sidorov, V. V. Lazursky and M. P. Miturich.

Romantic and intellectual of the sixties brought Vasily Fedorovich in the journal "Foreign literature", where he worked as an art editor. In these years the artist on a trip to Dagestan met with the great poet Rasul Gamzatov and created a bright and fresh series of sketches and drawings "Gunib"....

The artist continues to work on the visual presentation of books, organization design and illustrations. It attracts more scientific book – in collaboration with scientists creates a multidisciplinary encyclopedia "Latin America" embodied in visual images discoveries of modern physics in the book by L. V. Tarasov, "Introduction to quantum optics", creates a visual history of art in "Aesthetics" Y. B. Borev....

Since 1966 V. F. Laktionov worked as a chief designer of "Literary newspaper". It was his design of the logo literature is still known to all its readers. ...

The stage finished with the second software product is a polyptych "the Poem of the Revolution" which was exhibited in the Arena at the national exhibition in 1977....

Laktionov seriously and permanently engaged in teaching in different years and in different art schools taught drawing, painting and composition at MVHPU (Stroganov school), Moscow polygraphic Institute, Moscow polygraphic College named. I. Fedorov, Moscow textile Institute.

(Biography from official website)