Mikhailovich Nikireev

Russia • 1932−2007

Honored artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State prize of the RSFSR (the award is named after Repin), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of arts. More than 10 works, sm nikireeva acquired by the Tretyakov gallery. Born in the city of Michurinsk, studied at the art Studio of Michurinsk, then in the Penza art school

Born in 1932 in the town of Michurinsk, Tambov region. He graduated from Penza art College named. K. A. Savitsky (1957), MGHI them. VI Surikov (workshop E. A. Kibrik, 1963). Participant of numerous domestic and foreign exhibitions, including the Biennale in India (new Delhi, 1993-94) and the exhibition of Russian etching in the United States (Boston, Chicago,1994-95). Member of the Union of artists. Nikireev works are in the Tretyakov gallery, Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin, the State Russian Museum, as well as abroad: in Washington (Library of Congress, collection of world Bank and International monetary Fund), Chicago (gallery "Globus"), in Berlin (the Museum of Russian graphics), England, France, Japan etc.

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