Nikolaevich Kharlamov

Russia • 1863−1935

Biographie et informations

Born in the village Veretevo Kovrov district, Vladimir province in the family priest. He studied at the Vladimir theological school, then in the Seminary.

In 1883, Kharlamov was accepted to St. Petersburg Academy of arts. The program "angel brings the Apostle Peter from prison" (1889) received a small gold medal and the title of class artist of II degree.

In 1891, the artist served his conscription in the city of Vladimir, but did not stop to paint.

Since 1892 Kharlamov — Director of the Kholuy school of icon painting. The all-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod was allocated the work of his disciples. They created the image of Christ was so successful that Kharlamov was interested in the Commission responsible for the internal decoration of the Church of the Resurrection in St. Petersburg.

In 1896, the artist was invited to participate in the competition for the creation of cartons for the mosaics. From 1897 to 1900 Kharlamov created for the mosaics of the interior of the Church of the Resurrection 42 of cardboard, on which was typed the icon of the "Pantocrator", 8 Seraphim, 4 evangelists, 4 images of angels with passion, "Eucharist," "Christ, Emmanuel", "Spas Good Silence", "the virgin", "John the Baptist", 8 images of heaven (four choices), "Christ in glory" 8 images of angels, "St. Basil the Great", "Saint John Chrysostom", the text of the prayer before communion, "Saints Cyril and Methodius; Saints Stephen of Perm and Isaac of Dalmatia", a frieze of Seraphim, images of Seraphim and angels.

In 1910, N. N. Kharlamov was elected academician.

Last years the artist spent in the village of Timanka 28 miles from lackey. There he was buried.

  • Études