Alexandrovich Yablonsky

Russia • 1888−1944

Lived and worked in Smolensk. One of the participants of the Smolensk society of artists (1917 — 1920). The members of the society organized exhibitions and designed the streets of the city to the revolutionary holidays. At the beginning of 1926, like other artists, members of the Smolensk society — F. F. Labrenz, I. M. Koserow etc., entered the Smolensk branch of AHRR. In 20-e years together with M. Kozmin was headed by Smolensk art. Father of the famous artist Tatyana Yablonska.

Permanent participant of art exhibitions. Came from a family of a priest who worked in the public schools teacher of the Law of God, who served headed the Church of the intercession in Smolensk. Ya first was in the Seminary, and later at the Theological Academy in Moscow. He was expelled for participation in revolutionary events of 1905. After exclusion of the Theological Academy tried to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of arts but failed to contest. He entered the St. Petersburg University on history and Philology faculty; after his graduation he worked in Vitebsk, and then moved to Smolensk, where he taught literature in private schools. In the first years after the revolution of 1917 made the decision to continue art education and moved to Moscow to study at VKhUTEMAS. After a year of training Arkhipova returned to Smolensk in the family, and the creative circumstances: the fascination with formalism, which was infected VKHUTEMAS, disappointed him. Worked as a teacher of drawing in the Studio of the proletcult; schools taught Russian language and literature; collaborated with the newspaper “work path”, which placed painted portraits of the advanced workers, caricatures on international topics. His main work during this period was the gathering of exhibits on landlords ' estates for the Smolensk art gallery which Keeper he was. In 1929 the family moved to Lugansk, where Ya worked as a teacher of drawing in art school. 2-3 years – relocation to Kiev, where I am trying to do creative work.With the beginning of the war, J. with his wife remained in the occupied territory. According to his wife, he was taken to Germany, and his fate is unknown. Apparently died somewhere in Germany.

Lit.: Yakovlev S. M. Smolyan in the art. – M., 1968.– P. 243; K. G. Dorokhov Notes of the artist. – M., 1974.

(author - T. N. Yablonsky)

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