Grigorievich Ukhtomsky


1771-10-17 - 1852-2-16

Engraver on copper cutter and strong vodka. In 1795 he retired from Yaroslavl Vicegerent of the Board and, on the Highest command, defined in the Academy of fine arts. In 1799, appointed in landscape engraving class; in 1800 he received the diploma of 1 degree with a sword and elected to "assigned". In 1808, the title of academician for the engraved portrait of count N. And. Saltykov and Countess N. In. Saltykova; in 1815, entrusted with the management of the academic printing house and was appointed librarian of the Imperial Academy of arts. In 1821, awarded the gold medal named after Demidov for the invention of the engraving machine; with 1831, the Keeper of the Academic Museum. In 1850 retired from duty at the Academy. Ukhtomsky is engraved over 186 works.


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