On the way

Rahmon Chodiev • Peinture, 1970-е , 38×53 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
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Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Paysage, Portrait, Scène de genre
Courant artistique: Соцреализм
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 1970-е
Taille: 38×53 cm

Descriptif de la toile «On the way»

"On the Road" oil on canvas by Shodiev R. 1970s
size 51x35 cm in a frame of 53.5x38 cm
Other artworks by this artist
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Portrait of a child
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Women's portrait
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Male portrait
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Male portrait
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1970-mo , 38×25 cm
Women's portrait
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1970-mo , 50×35 cm
Opere consigliate
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