Zakharovich Perlstein

Russia • né en 1940

Born in 1940 in Moscow, where he lived the rest of his life.

In the seven years I went to school, studied until 1957 and in the same year he entered the construction Institute, IISS them. V. V. Kuibyshev, who graduated in 1962.

Started working in construction and later worked in research institutions, where he engaged in the solution of tasks on construction management for Moscow, Tbilisi, Riga, Tashkent and other cities.

Drawing started at the age of 17 and have done my whole life (drawing, painting, printmaking, illustration). Nature was painted in Moscow, Tbilisi, Petrozavodsk, Kargopol, Tallinn, Prague, Hamburg, Vologda, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and in other regions and cities. In addition to painting from nature (towns, villages, people, nature, etc.) created graphic and pictorial works of philosophical reflection.

To illustrate started in 1961 and worked mainly for magazines such as "Young naturalist", "Fun", "Earth and universe", "rural Nov", publishing house "Mir", etc.

Perlstein, V. Z. member of the Union of artists, honored Builder of Russia, candidate of technical Sciences.

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