Vikentievich Mazurovsky

Russia • 1859−1923

Biographie et informations

After receiving initial artistic training at the Warsaw drawing class (1876-1878), the young man continued his training at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts volnoprihodyaschim student in the beginning and then a full (c 1879) academics. At the Academy, V. Mazurovsky in addition to the two 2 silver (in 1881) and receives two gold medals: minor — curriculum "the charge of the cavalry patrol of the Circassians from the village of Bela in 1877" (1887) and a gold — diploma program "Business life-guard hussar regiment under Telese 3 October 1877" (1888). Together with a large gold medal, a young painter of battle scenes is the title of the class artist of the first degree and a pensioner's trip abroad. Subsequent independent works, such as "Attack of a platoon of the life guards of the Grodno regiment of Turkish Circassians near the village of White in 1877" (1888), "Case when Telise 3 October 1877" (1889), V. V. mazurovskii confirmed his creative choices.

  • Associations artistiques
  • Études