Vasilyevich Kosarev

Russia • 1897−1994

Biographie et informations

The artist of the theatre. B. 4 Aug 1897 in Kharkov - the mind. March 23, 1994 ibid. Studied at Kharkiv arts and crafts workshops at L. Trikala (1911-15) and the XXY (1915-18) A. Coquelles, M. Pestrikova. HO member of the CFS since 1944. The participant of Republican and international exhibitions since 1927. Solo exhibitions: Kharkiv - 1998. From 1918 he worked in the theaters of Odessa and Kharkov, from the beginning of the 1930s he taught at HHI— hhpi, Professor (1952). Laureate of the state prize of the USSR (1947).

OK. 1905 — 1910 he studied in primary school at the Seminary (corner of Ekaterinoslav Seminary 123 and 124).

The monograph Draft is told to start drawing. Mother, Olympias p., supported the passion of the son: bought him his first set of crayons. Father, Vasily, a locksmith by profession, dreamed of a technical education for his son. From the Rough tells of a typical episode. Boris became the casual witness of the dispute of his father with the future husband of the aunt as a decorator and applied Alexander G. Goncharenko, which Boris has already made several paintings frames to your photos. Goncharenko convinced Vasily to send his son to study painting. His father did not consider painting a profession and agree to art education for my son just in case if he did not go into the City technical College. Had Boris to fill up the entrance exam at the school.

Instead, in the spring of 1911, he enrolled in the art and craft training workshop decorative painting of the Kharkov literacy society for Veterinary (now — Moscow street), 125 26 , which since March 1, 1909 and was headed by L. I. was Trail. In addition to professional and General subjects here has also taught drawing and folk pattern. His friends at school were Tsapok and Ermilov.

The monograph Rough tells of the first notable appearances of the young Kosarev with their works. Since March 3, 1914, the newspaper “southern region” sharply responded about the exhibition “T-VA Kharkov artists”, out of 300 presented her work noted only two authors: the outstanding landscape painter Berkos and two pastels 16-year-old Kosarev.

In 1915 K. without examination were enrolled in the HUD. College, where he studied at al. AF. Coquelles 126 — painting, M. R. Pestrikova 127 — figure and A. M. Lyubimov — working with tempera and distemper. The main subjects throughout his three years of study was painting and drawing. From sketching, also taught at the school, as it was released thanks to the exam, put in the Studio was Tralala.

In 1915 K. tries his hand as an assistant decorator. M. J. Oferenda in the Summer theatre of operetta. A year later, in the season of 1916 — 1917., K. together with Bobritsky participates in the design of “brand” Ibsen Kharkiv. AMD. theatre: he was entrusted with the landscape scene. This begins his career as a theatre artist.

During these years, K. professes the aesthetic ideals of futurism — is in the group of the Kharkov Cubists-futurists “Union of Seven” (“Seven”, as he called it himself B. C.). Its members were also Bobritsky, clerks, Kalmyks, Mishchenko, Tsapok and Tsibis. In 1918, the group published a collection album of his work under the name. “Seven plus Three”. It was planned that the collection of poems of Ishmael Urazova, 2nd album (“Seven plus ?”), monograph on Bobrytska, a collection of lithographs Kosareva (12 pages) and a collection of woodblock prints of Tibia, nothing of these plans did not materialize.

In the spring of 1918 K. and other members of the “Sevens” participated in the exhibition “Union of arts” (opens may 7 at the Art school; exhibited also V. V. Bobritsky, L. P. Hertik, A. N. Groth, M. L. Mane-Katz, N. R. Savvin, G. A. Tsapok, B. Tsibis, etc.; see review of the exhibition in the certificate of the “Union of Seven”).

In the summer of that year together with Mishchenko and Tibicam K. has issued several Nos. of the magazine “Ears”, and Bobrick and the Hoe with which he was connected, apparently, most close creative and personal relationship, — the space of the artistic cabaret “the house of the artist”. This work aroused increased interest in the city and in connection with happened in the course of its execution scandal (see story Kosareva), and because of its high artistic level. Chernoff, referring to the evidence of a Hoe, says that the lights painted Kosarev, praised Mayakovsky, directed by N. N. Evreinov, the artist Akimov etc. But as described the opening of the cabaret “Theatre Journal” № 6, 1918: “According to the wall painting circle of young artists “Seven plus three”... Not too original, but bright and gaudy... Especially failed lights: they are original, though somewhat monotonous in their black “camel” interpretation... [italics added]. — V. J. ]”.

The theatrical performance of the year — making of the play “pan” W. van Lerberghe (again jointly with V. Bobrick).

In the summer of 1919, when Kharkov became a regular part of the Volunteer army, K. spent some time at the country house of his good friends sisters Sinakevich together with Velimir Khlebnikov, which tells in an interview. A little later, avoiding mobilization, went to Odessa.

In Odessa K. met Babel, who has got a job Gamestate. General description at the beginning of 1920 in Odessa from Kiev, Boris Yefimov, was appointed head of the “Sagita” when Yugrosta, appointed Kosareva (when “Saget” was divided into two workshops — poster and art) head of the hood. workshop. Soon after leaving Efimova, Candidate leads all workshop Yugrosta. During your stay in Odessa (1920 — 1921) K. also participated in the painted agitation trains and the hall of the meetings of the governorate revolutionary Committee, the design Pushkinskaya St. to Congress III international periodically has designed productions (“the Green parrot” by A. Schnitzler, together with the hood. Fazini 128 ; “the cricket on the hearth” by Charles Dickens — in the theater “Red torch”).

In June 1921, headed by K. workshop Yugrosta was transferred to Kharkov. Continuing to manage it, he resumes his work in the theater: it, the Hoe and Akimov invited to the first Ukrainian theatre for children (established in March 1921 on the basis of Kharkov. ouch. theatre. school). In addition, in 1921 — 1923 K. N. Sinel prepares “the Servant of two masters” and in the people's house — “the Bourgeois gentleman”. Among the best design of the year — the layout and costumes (the temperature) to “Hebeena” R. Pobedinskogo (in 1932 was at the International exhibition of decorative arts in the United States; “16 pieces missing, said B. V. in conversation with me, — leaving only small — a postage stamp — color reproductions in the catalog”).

In 1923 K. became a member of the T-VA artists (org. at the initiative of the newspaper “Vesti” for the purpose of atheistic propaganda). Along with hood. V. G. Meller and longtime friend G. Hoe illustrated album for the red army “Science and religion”. For three years they have produced approx. 150 posters included in the album published by “Chervonyi Shliakh”.

In 1928 K. also participated in the traveling exhibition OSMU (June-Oct.; the village of Kamianske Zaporozhye region, Zaporozhye, Dnipropetrovsk) — in the framework of the “all-Ukrainian jubilee exhibition dedicated to 10th anniversary of October” (1927 — 1928).

Best design — for plays: “For two hares” by M. staritskiy, “Marco PECL” of I. Kocherga (both 1928) and “Commodity” L. may day (1930) — Kharkiv. Chervonozavodsky theater, “Solo flute” by I. Mikitenko (1932); “Martin Borulya” I. Karpenko-Kary (1934) Kharkiv. the theater of Ukrainian drama named. T. G. Shevchenko, “the Miser” by J.-B. Moliere (1937), “Basic-Telesyk” Alexander Shiyan (1938) and “the Bremen town comedians” br. Grimm (1940) in Kharkiv. Youth theatre; “Yaroslav the Wise” of I. Kocherga (1946) in Kharkiv. the theater of Ukrainian drama named. Shevchenko, for this performance Kosarev was awarded the Stalin prize 1 St degree in 1947.

A member of the CFS since 1944. For many years he taught at the Kharkov art-industrial Institute (since 1952 Professor). The only lifetime personal exhibition took place in the 1960s.

Works are kept in museums in Italy, USA, France, Yugoslavia, Russia and Ukraine.

Reproduction: Seven plus Three. Sat.-ALB. — Kharkov: publishing of the “Union of Seven”, 1918]. — 56 p., 200 copies.

[Reproduction:] V. Bobritsky, B. Kosarev: “Pan”. Curtain 3 act // the way of creativity (Kharkov). 1919. No. 4. P. 23

A collection of new art. — Kyiv — Kharkiv, 1919. — 24 S., fol.

Science and religion. Album. — [H.?]: Chervony Shliakh, 1926 (?) 129

M. V. H e R n o V a. B. V. Kosarev: Naris life i tworczosc. — K.: Art, 1969. — 67 p.

Z I n o V y f o g e l s. Vasily Ermilov 130 . — Moscow: Soviet artist, 1975

Ukrainian avant-garde of the 20's- 30's years. Album. [1995?]

BORIS KOSAREV. Catalogue 131 . — H., 1999.

Of bibliography B. V. Kosarev :

M. Gray. 17th exhibition of Association of artists // southern edge. 1914. 3 Mar

M. Kin. Art exhibition “Union of arts” // Spikes (Kharkov). 1918. No. 2 — 3. P. 22

Letter to the editor [open letter of the “Union of Seven”] // Ears (Kharkov). 1918. No. 6 — 7. P. 23

Art in Kharkov // Ears. 1918. No. 9. S. 13 — 14

Seven plus Three. Sat.-ALB. — Kharkov: publishing of the “Union of Seven”, 1918]. — 56 p., 200 copies.

On the books [on sat-ALB. “Seven plus Three”] // Ears. 1918. No. 11. P. 15

Paul Darwinii. Bookshelf [on] “Seven plus Three”] // Theatre Journal. No. 7. Kharkov. 22 Dec 1918. S. 13 — 14

Theatrical chronicle [on the opening of “House artist” and painting the premises by members of the “Union of Seven”] // Ears. 1918. No. 18. P. 14

L. Viktorov. “House of artist” [about the mural, including about kosarevski lights] // Theatre Journal. No. 6. Kharkov. 15 Dec 1918. P. 10

A collection of new art. — Kyiv — Kharkiv, 1919. — 24 S., fol.

M. Romanovsky. [About the play “chasing two hares” in Chervonozavodsky theater] // Kharkov proletarian. 1929. 9 APR

[About vistavu Chervonozavodskoe theater “AUA GGA” M. Y. Shestakova]: Dir. I. Zemganno, hood. B. Kosarev // Kharkivskyy proletar. 1930. 24 travnia

Prem RA Cuzco “Basic-Telesyk” in Haruka Tugu [Dir. I. Grinspoon the O. Crimina] // Krasnoye Znamya. 1938. 1 June

About the play “Zykov” by M. Gorky in Kharkiv youth Theatre, evacuated to Pavlodar // Bolshevik steel. 1944, June

[About the play “Mediocre” in Kharkiv youth Theatre /Scenery B. Kosareva on es-kisam A. V. Khvostenko-Khvostov] // Krasnoye Znamya. 1946. 10 March

A. Petritsky. [About B. Kosareva] // Radyans'ka art. 1947, June 18

B. Kosarev. [About the play “Yaroslav Mudry” Haruka Teatr im. T. G. Shevchenko] // Lvivska Pravda, 1947, on July 10

[B. Efimov B. Kosarev] // Boris Yefimov. Forty years. — M., 1961. P. 53

Artists Charka. Dowdy. J., 1967. — 176 p. — 2000 copies.

M. V. Chernova. B. V. Kosarev: Naris life i tworczosc. — K.: Art, 1969. — 67 p.

B. Ngor. Spawton Vista. [Artist B. Kosarev] // Sots. Harkin. 1969, 25 veresnia

Wordlist hudojniku Ukraine. — K.: Head. ed UR, 1973. — 272 S. — 10000 copies.

Popov. High calling of the artist: To the 80 anniversary from the birthday of B. V. Kosareva // Krasnoye Znamya. 1977, August 6

Yu. I. Theatre without rampi: (90-richchya B. V. Kosareva) // Ukr. theatre. 1990. No. 2. Pp. 24 — 26

M. Fedorov. “...The audience lost self-control”: (To the 95th anniversary of the birth of the Kharkov theatre artist Boris Kosarev)// Event. 1992, August 19

L. Sokoluk. Venovana Yulara: (95-richchya s day narodzhennya B. V. Kosareva) // Ukr. theatre. 1993. No. 4. P. 14, l.

L. Savitskaya. Memory masters: Boris Kosarev (1897 — 1994) // Sloboda. 1994, July 13

A. Fighting. Set design from the time of Kurbas [including about B. Kosareva] // Ukrainian theater. 1997. No. 2. C. 16.