Vasilyevna Kukulieva

Russia • née en 1937

Born in Palekh. Honored artist of the RSFSR (1974), people's artist of Russia (1999), laureate of the State prize of Russia (1996). Member of the Union of artists of the RSFSR in 1966. Hereditary painter, granddaughter of I. I. Zubkov. Wife Of B. N. Kukuliev. In 1952-1957 he studied at the Palekh art school. Teachers - F. A. Yurtsev, A. V. Kotuhin, M. I. Shemarov, D. N. Butorin, A. V. Borunov. Since 1957 he worked at the Palekh art-production workshops. In 1975 he was awarded the diploma of Ivan Fyodorov, 1978 - Bulgarian order Cyril and Methodius I degree. Awarded a Large Gold medal of the international exhibition of books (1977).

Worked monumental, theatrical-decorative painting, jewelry, together with her husband, book illustration ("Sadko" (1974), "Hello brothers!" (1978), "Son of Russia" (1981), "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1983)), icons. Themes of works: folklore, history, literature, landscape, ganarajya scene. Participant of exhibitions since 1958.

The work of K. V. Kukuljevic are stored in museums: gmpi, the Russian Museum, the Ivanovo OC, R, HF Russia.

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