Viktorovich Georgievsky

Russia • 1898−1960

B. in Tula in a family of teachers. He graduated from high school. He started his career in 1918, he worked as a technician on the right Bank Ukraine. In 1925 he graduated from the architecture and art Department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, moved to Kursk. From 1926 to 1927, the architect of the Kursk branch "Shortest", then head. technical subdivision of Vorkommenden, the architect of the project office "Cursorrect". After the second world war worked in Moscow. Projects: theatre club "Spartak" (1927); school district to Train, house number 65 on the street of Lenin (1929); the house № 43 on the street Dzerzhinskaya (November 1934), etc. of a residential building in Lenin and Dzerzhinsky in the spirit of constructivism. G. is the author of several publications in the "Encyclopedic dictionary of Central black earth region" (Voronezh, 1934. Vol. 1).

{E. V. Kholodov}

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