Nikolayevich Popov

Russia • 1802−1852

Biographie et informations

Architect Altai plants which in many ways defined the architectural appearance of the historic centre of Barnaul. From Ober-officer children. In 1816, he began serving in the Kolivan-Rose. plants apprentice surveyor. Education in Peterburgskoy Academy of fine arts (1820-22). Being an architectural assistant master of Russian classicism Carlo Rossi, was involved in the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, the Main headquarters on Palace square, the stone theater in St. Petersburg (1822-28). On presentation of K. I. Rossi received thanks and rewards "to encourage further success." In March 1828 for diligent service and acquired knowledge of the architecture produced in sightmaster 13th CL.

In August 1829 at the request of the Cabinet returned to Barnaul and entered the office of the architect of the factory have mastered the principle of ensemble, which is widely used in building. practice. The main work in Barnaul: the ensemble of Demidovsky square with an obelisk in honor of the 100th anniversary of mining in the Altai; reconstruction in the forms of classicism St. Peter and Paul (now St. Polzunov), the stone Church of St. John the Baptist in Nagorno cemetery, the house of the chief plants of the Altai region. Engineered glass factory, churches to factories and mines. In the mid-nineteenth century remained faithful to the classicism. In 1852 dismissed from service for health reasons. His great ability in architecture. the case is most fully realized in Barnaul.

(author - T. M. Stepanskaya)

  • Études