Mitrofanovna Smurygina-Terlicky

Biographie et informations

He graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow state University (Department of Ethnography) and the graduate school of design Meyer (new York). As the author of the costumes and the consultant participated in the creation of feature films: "Farewell with Matyora", "Youth of Peter", "Mussorgsky", "primary Russia"; television series "Chekhov and To°"; the performances of the Moscow theaters: Moscow art theatre named after A. P. Chekhov ("the Storm", the cycle "Mat night", "Diary of a prisoner of war Voropaeva"), "Sovremennik" theatre, Taganka Theatre, theatre of Mossovet. In 1988-1944 he worked in theaters in new York: the Metropolitan Opera, "La Mama, Circle in the square", as well as in Finland and South Korea. Teaches at the School-Studio MXAT.