Artemyevich Chorikov (Chorokov)

Russia • 1802−1866

Biographie et informations

The son of a customs examiner, who was educated at the Imperial Academy of fine arts, which was accepted at government expense in 1819, by Another student, he drew the attention of the teachers, drawings from life, which were estimated silver medals. He graduated B. A. Charikov Academy in 1829 At the age of Pushkin, he was known for his genre paintings and figure compositions, executed in pencil, scenes from Russian history. For his work Chorikov was nominated by the Academy to compete for the title of academician.

The author of illustrations to the unique edition of "Picturesque Karamzin, or Russian history in pictures", published in St. Petersburg in 1836, (ed. Andrew Prevost).

Monumental images of Karamzin's "History" and demanded a special visual language, and academic korikovsky classic manner was, in this case, it is highly relevant. Battle scenes, deathbed historical characters, intense drama and psychological depth, presented by the artist to be extremely convincing. It is possible that his prints sometimes lack of color "time and place", the national colors. But for the evaluation of engravings on historical themes need specific criteria.

Just to the "History" Karamzin B. A. Charikov has created more than 300 drawings, transferred to lithographic stone by his assistants: P. Ivanov, O. Anderson, K. Beggrov, I. Sekovski, P. Razumovsky and others.