Alexandrovna Sokolova

Russia • née en 1961

Biographie et informations

The artist-restorer of the highest qualification easel, tempera painting.

Born in 1961 in the city of Makaryev, Kostroma region. After graduating from the Department of restoration of tempera and oil painting Suzdal art-restoration school, in 1983, a young specialist she came to Vologda. For 13 years she worked in the team of restorers Vologda special scientific restoration production workshop (SNCM) of the Association "Rosrestavratsiya".

First trip in the Vologda land began Olga reference, draw maps, and study of the frescoes of Dionysius in the virgin Nativity Cathedral of the Ferapontov monastery. Then there were trips to the Northern district museums: Ustyuzhna, Vytegra, Belozersk, Kirillov, Veliky Ustyug. Had a lot to do with strengthening of the emergency painting of icons in the collections of museums and wall oil painting the porch of the assumption Cathedral of the Cyril of the Museum-reserve and icons of the iconostasis of the Church of Elijah the city of Belozersk. Now there are no museums in the Vologda region, which would not work Olga.

Internship in restoration workshops of Moscow, fruitful work with the monuments of the ancient masters was the mastery of the scientific approach to the restoration business. But because of the demise of the organization OOO "Vologda restorers" she was forced to change their place of work.

Working seven years in the Vologda branch of the all-Russian art scientific and restoration center them. Academician I. E. Grabar, Olga Alexandrovna managed to establish himself here as a fine professional. Turning to her young trainees to learn restoration skills. She is a member of the restoration Council of the branch.

Internship in the Centre under the guidance of the restorer of the highest qualification L. A. Mironova, great job on disclosure a multilayer painting, the interest in the study of pigment compositions copyright Kolerov, the implementation of separation of painting and transferring it to another basis has led to protection in 2003, the highest qualification Min. Of culture of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, being on probation from the best restorer of Russia A. N. Ovchinnikov, she willingly explores the reproduction of monuments of ancient painting. While a large number of copies not, but the result is already there. One of the most significant works is "Deesis rank" of the XVII century from the collection of the Vologda picture gallery, visited the exhibitions in Voronezh and Yaroslavl.

More than one hundred restored her icons adorn the museums of the Vologda region and are operating temples of the city of Vologda. The main works of Olga Alexandrovna include the disclosure of complex lineinykh icons of the XVI century "December" and "September" from the Vologda Museum-reserve. Painting miniature letters includes more than 50 figures of saints and a few holidays. The icons were renovated three times, with a thick layer of Perelevsky, the removal of which

were performed using a microscope. The icons were presented at the exhibitions "the masterpieces of the Russian North" (Vologda, 1997) and the "Triennale" (Moscow, 2000).

Speaking about the restoration work O. A. Sokolova, it makes sense to talk about another working on a huge icon from Veliky Ustyug Museum-reserve "Tsar Tsar", 1750. This icon was a solid entry, but the coating film was removed with great difficulty. The weak condition of some sections of the original painting of the XVIII century demanded a scientific finding equivalents to render.

Olga Alexandrovna a lot of fruitful deals with restoration, but with no less desire, she engaged in creativity, leaves in the open air. Since 1994 – member of Union of artists of Russia. Wherever Olga Alexandrovna went on business trips, she will find time to stand at the easel. She is a participant of regional exhibitions organized by the Union of artists.

Raising two children, she finds time to study at the faculty of "Museology" of the Russian State Humanitarian University. She writes articles about the restoration and take part in scientific conferences with reports and presentations.

Twenty years is a lot and little at the same time. The important thing is that Olga over the years had a lot to do for the society and museums in the region. It is with the desire and energy takes up challenging questions and sets himself high enough for the task.

(Author - Ludmila Kalacheva)

  • Études