Alexandrovich Paramonov

Russia • né en 1970

Born in the city of Sverdlovsk.

1985-1988. – studies at a Professional Art school № 42 in Sverdlovsk. At the end received a diploma in jeweler-mounter.

1991-1993 – studying by Correspondence at the people's University of Arts. Krupskaya.

1991-1999. – work in the Ekaterinburg Academic Drama Theatre in the position of property man, a decorator.

Since 2000 freelance artist. Work with props on civil contracts in the Sverdlovsk film Studio (x/f "First on the moon"), the film company "29 February" film "Cybertill".

Since 1993 – participated in 15 collective exhibitions (Museum of Fine Arts, Ural centre of craft and crafts, the railway Palace of culture, Yekaterinburg, Experimental exhibition platform "B-17", Expocentre, etc.)

Since 1999 he started to work in a unique technique of three-dimensional or "volumetric" painting (affected extensive experience in the property man and decorator). Three-dimensional picture is sort of small diorama, which differs from the latter quite small "take-out" (from 5 to 20 cm).

So far there are two cycles of the "three-dimensional" paintings: "Checkinteger" and "Ekaterinburg-Samara transit" and written a dozen more paintings not included in one of the cycles, but made in the same technique.

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