Vasilievich Vasilyev

Russia • né en 1919

Biographie et informations

Born in 1919 in the village of Dorcas Small Palekh district, Ivanovo region. In 1936 he graduated from the Palekh art school of ancient painting, where last year he studied painting on porcelain. From 1936 to 1938 - the artist at Dulevo porcelain factory, 1938 - 1939 - the artist at the may porcelain factory in Yaroslavl region, from 1939 to SYKE. In the same year was drafted into the army, participated in the great Patriotic war. ZEKE returned in 1945, the First 10 - 15 years working on the samples of the mural earthenware, majolica and then gave drawings to print and stencil. 1963 - 1976 - the main artist Zeke. Created many samples for mass production: painting dining sets "Flowers", "Fir branches", "Youth", etc.; the shape and decoration of instruments for milk, water, beer, children's sets, vases large "national", "Tulips", "Ornament", "Blue", the device is "odd". Exhibitions exhibited household utensils: the device for fruit "Summer" table service "Golden," the tea set "folk", etc.

  • Études