Mikhailovich Alexandrochkin

Russia • 1937−2008

Biographie et informations

29 may on 72-m to year of life has left this world a wonderful painter in Sumy Yury Alexandrakis. In any exhibition of his light, lyrical sound paintings was forced to stop and spend long periods masterfully constructed composition, linear perspective, high level possession of palette or just, without going into specific details, enjoy the beauty. Peace and harmony coming from his paintings, touched and ordinary people, and the most famous of art critics.

What was a man, how you lived your life? The answers to these questions for sure would like to have all Sumy - admirers of the master.

Says the artist's son, 41-year-old Alexander Alexanderkin:

In the life of the Pope was a man of duty and never failed those who count on him. Calm, silent, loving and striving for harmony. No wonder they say that the pictures appear and the soul, and the nature of the painter. He was a stranger to ambition. He worked a lot and been through a lot. Born and raised on the Volga, in a large working class family. 6-year-old kid met the war. Heard the roar of the battle of Stalingrad, survived famine, destruction, poverty. And from starvation saved the watermelon - however, at night the boy had to get on the collective farm fields, and twenty miles to haul the full bags. Drawing from a very young age. Went to the art room. And one day in only a t-shirt, t-shirt and worn sweatpants went to Krasnodar and to withstand serious competition, enrolled in art school.

Then studied in Kharkov. There, in College, met my mom. She wanted to be a librarian... and of course a good wife. And it was. They were always together, to the Golden wedding, the father has not lived some two and a half years. He worked on the distribution in the Sumy theatre.Schepkin art Director. His scenery for the play "Nazar stodolya", "Faust and death", "the snow Queen", which received critical acclaim, will remember and Sumy theater. But Sumi was chosen because in the mid-60s workers in the field of art still valued and were given apartments. And the city itself is extremely pleasant, as the surroundings, and indeed the picturesque Sumy and specifically Lebedinskiy, who was in love.

He loved to fish. I remember we often went to his home on the Volga. The big fish were not uncommon. Somehow sitting in a boat near the shore. And suddenly he says: "come, son, look, there on the shore the rock is so slippery?" Fit. It turned out to be a 30-pound catfish! July. Heat under forty, and mustache can be seen, stuffed (in its belly we found twenty perches). The giant became ill, and he jumped ashore. But he was still alive, had some trouble... What else can I tell? Dad was my first art teacher. However, though I graduated from art school, professional artist did not become. By education I am an engineer-oceanologist, candidate of mathematical Sciences, and currently working as an analyst in an international company. I remember there was a time when Papa's science and advice really helped. As a student I well worked, painting landscapes and still lifes and selling them on the Arbat.

My granddaughters - my daughters - Natasha and her grandfather also taught drawing. Showed shades. If he wanted to girls became artists? Maybe. But to insist would not. The main thing that people were good, so thought. He loved the people. Portraits, and indeed all wrote in the same breath, he did not have "forced" work. And all he did, liked his paintings are on all except the African continent.

- How was the fate of the creative heritage of your father?

His work sumchane can see in Sumy art Museum, the local history Museum (diorama base Sum and others), in Putivl Museum (diorama, interior design). All the workshop paintings, sketches, drawings I will take with me to Odessa, where I live with a family and at the Western cemetery is now artist Yuri Alexandrakis. Some works will be for sale (8-050-333-48-96). I am sure that in fifty years the picture of the father's will, as now, to generate interest and admiration for our descendants. They are clear, they are made with love to the environment and to people.

(article: Julia Lesina "the Bright memory of the bright master," weekly "Your chance")