Dmitrievich Andrushchenko

Ukraine • né en 1935

Biographie et informations

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Mine was born in October, Dnipropetrovsk oblast. In 1956 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk XY (workshop N. The pogribnyak and A. cuco). In 1958 – 1964 he studied at the Lviv Institute of applied and decorative arts from R. Rural, V. and D. Monastyrskogo Doubochinski. From 1958 he lives and works in Lviv. Participant of international, all-Union, Republican and regional exhibitions since 1965. From 1991 he teaches at the Department of monumental painting Lviv national Academy of arts, since 2000 – Professor. Honored artist of Ukraine since 1992, people's artist of Ukraine since 2000. Works in the areas of graphics, easel and monumental painting. Works are kept in Khmelnytskyi HM and other Ukrainian museums.