Mikhailovna Krikun

Ukraine • née en 1948

Biographie et informations

She was born 19 APR 1948 in S. Stavkova Berezovsky district of Odessa region.

1968-1972 - the Odessa art College named. M. B. Grekova.

Work in the Odessa theater (TYUZ - decorator, Ukrainian drama theatre decorator, Odessa puppet theatre the head of. the stage part).

Participation in exhibitions: Ukraine, France, Argentina. 17 personal exhibitions.

Work in museums: Art Museum (Odessa), Literary Museum (Odessa), the Museum of them. Bleshunov (Odessa), Center. Georges Pompidou (Paris).

Works are in galleries and private collections in Ukraine, USA, Israel, Australia, France, and Italy.

Lives and works in Odessa.

  • Études