Nikolaevna Sandomirova (Ponomareva)

Russia • née en 1949

Biographie et informations

Teacher of art–graphic faculty of the Chuvash pedagogical University.

Born on 7 Jan 1949 in D. Komakino Krasnochetayskogo district of the Chuvash Republic.

V. Sandimirova “...calls himself a “humanistas“. Painting Sandimirova though vague, and portraits, written in her hand, sad and focused, but this bright sadness. From her works convey the feeling of peace. They are filled with meditative contemplation and nesuetnoy“.(Gordeeva S. Conservation painting // Cash EN - 1998. - 5-12 Dec. (No. 47) - p. 6). Her works are in museums of Moscow, Cheboksary, private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Dagestan, France, Syria, Germany.

Major works: “on may 9. Portrait of a father”, “Komakino. Anatkas”, “Farewell winter“, “lake“, “City of childhood“, “Evening”, “Autumn”, “Cafe “Summer”, “Favorite theme” portraits “Cookies”, “Mamak”, etc.