
United Kingdom • 1903−1992

John Egerton Christmas Piper (eng. John Piper, rod. 13 Dec 1903 Epsom mind. June 28, 1992) is an English painter and printmaker.

John. Pieper most of his life in the village of Fawley bottom, in the County of Buckinghamshire, North of the town of Henley-on-Thames. Born in a family lawyer. Education received at The College, then studied painting and drawing at the School of arts Richmond and the London Royal College of art. Already in the initial period of his work pays great attention to abstract painting.

The artist's childhood passed in a rural location Buckinghamshire, and subsequently this was cemetitious his work. Pieper creates landscapes with ancient churches and monuments from the country roads. During the Second world war he, like other leading British artists (G. Moore, Sutherland), was mobilized in the rank of the martial artist has worked in the field of agitation and propaganda, creating drawings, cartoons and graphics for popular collections.

After the war, George. Pieper writes mostly landscapes. Together with Patrick Rentgena it creates a new stained-glass Windows restored after German bombing of the Cathedral in Coventry. He also worked on the decoration of the interiors of the cathedrals at Chichester and Hereford. Was known as a theater artist.

John. Pipero was awarded the British order of the Knights of Honor.

The most comprehensive retrospective of the work of John. Piper was held at London's Tate gallery in 1983 and 1984. In the Tate kept 182 the artist's paintings.

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