
Germany • née en 1965 • artiste, collectionneur

Biographie et informations

"Gentle touch", as translated name of the artist. If acquainted with the work of this multi-faceted personality, one can feel like touching the soul of a human observer pattern , written Nasik.

Draw Nasik could in the deep childhood. Even as a child she saw everywhere and in all different shapes filled with color that will later form the basis of her paintings.

At the age of 5 years she sees for the first time a range of oil paints and fell in love with them. She wanted to taste them. In 7 years she often stands behind his older brother, who is studying in art school, and watches as he paints on the canvas. Often she helps him to finish work.

A great tragedy occurred in the life of this little girl. At age 6 she lost her mother, who died in a car accident. She is survived by her four brothers and sisters and a loving father, who, as they could have surrounded her with love and care.
In addition to painting Nasik studied ballet, studied well at school.
In 11 years, Nasik seriously ill and went to hospital where she remained for 4 months. . After leaving the hospital, still suffering from the bole , she gives herself to find a treatment that she will be able, everywhere and at any time to apply and help yourself and others.

Inspired by interest in medicine, after graduating from high school, she enrolled at the medical Institute in his native Ashgabat. Training is given to Nasic easily, and after 2 years, her as one of the best students, was sent to study at the first Moscow medical Institute named after Sechenov . In Moscow, she learns a lot of draws, takes an interest in Oriental acupuncture, and... falls in love. Her lover is a young man from Germany, where she soon moved.

In Germany, she is studying medicine on. She is fond of gynecology and obstetrics, then enrolled on a family physician. Thirst for knowledge compels her to travel the world and learn from different masters of the methods of alternative medicine. The acquired knowledge she begins to successfully apply and become a very popular doctor. Today it has an official status of physician pain management physician, naturopath, doctor of chiropractic, homeopath.

In the life of Nasik comes another landmark meeting. She meets and becomes one of the close disciples of the founder of many theories and areas of alternative medicine, Korean scientist Professor Park Jae Woo. To get acquainted with his theory trenching build a world discovers the phenomenon of Libcamomile, Smile Taiji, Smile Yoga. Such unique insights are reflected immediately in the work of Nasik. Her paintings are full of Smile, they reflect the harmony of universal order, the play of energies trenching the world expressed in paint. Nasik a lot of time on meditation. The paintings she writes in a special, meditative state, using the technique of layer blending oil paints. Usually, she writes a few paintings at a time, for several months, devoting them to one cycle.

Nazik believes that: "the Wild energy of nature can be converted into extraordinary moments of existence, indescribable beauty, displayed in the color, expressed in dance, drawing, and music." She believes that beauty exists everywhere and lives on. This faith gives her the opportunity to see, hear and become part of this wonderful dialogue.