
Russia • Vladimir • né en 1961 • artiste, collectionneur
I was born in the capital of all Russia - the beautiful city of Vladimir, on 10 October 1961 at 8.30 am. My father - Ignatov Vladimir Fedorovich, mother - Gryaznova Rufina Ivanovna. A happy childhood in Belgium - Brussels and Germany - Bonn. There, the foreign Ministry worked parents. Of course this fact fully influenced the formation of identity and perception of the modern world.
In my opinion, the ability to draw I did not manifested, but my mother thought otherwise. And returning to his hometown, I was forcibly handed over to teachers of the art school. According to my calculations it was 1974. Four years of elementary art education segued into a five-year period VSPI HUDGRAF. In 1983, the young artist went into the untilled field adjustment. At that time in the air have not yet flown a fashionable word "designer", but all the skills I applied in this direction.
I remembered about painting in 1997. The desire to suppress the paint onto the palette has woken me up, and I like a madman, began to ransack the pantry in search of an old easel. Then a sudden passion flared up to the white canvas. Further, the taking care of business, lack of money and non-stop studying painting from Delacroix to van Gogh, from Vasilyev to Brodsky. It took 5 years to satisfy the hunger for information, digest the knowledge and to embark on a journey of self - understanding - "what is painting"?
For a long time the answer was trying to find in the plein-airs, and Perevalova one artists! And as the "thunder from heaven" the opening of such names as Modigliani, Picasso, Matisse, Marriage! In my mind a whirlwind swept the chaos. And then there's Marc Chagall, Kandinsky, Malevich. It is at this time from nervous exhaustion on my paintings unconsciously began to appear colored curls and, increasingly, to come up with the phrase "Improvisation of color." Improvizionizm - rich mixing of colors directly on the canvas in one session! Since late 2008 I work in this way, constantly reforming my own direction. Later, under the influence of Mark Rothko, Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, I sunk to create paintings in 3 D. All my creative path consists of experiments. And someday I'll formulate my own answer - "what is painting".
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